Trivia Crack Categories and Domination

If you have ever seen Trivia Crack, you will know that there are 6 categories. On a spinner in game, there are 7 places to land on due to the addition of an instant crown space (allows you to get a character). Today, we will be examining the categories and breaking them down for you. These general categories include geography, science, art, entertainment, history, and sports.

Trivia Crack Characters and categories

These are your average geography questions. Geography means ‘the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere’. That means that the geography questions will mainly be focused on global features, including landmarks, rivers, countries, et cetera. Generally, the answers to these questions are fairly obvious and can be figured out by basic elimination.

Science is my personal best category. Since there is not a technology category, all computer and tech questions are crammed into the science category. The easy questions are about element symbols and measurements of certain objects. Other than that, there may be a question in the science category that stumps you every once-in-awhile, but that is what the bomb is for.

Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Beethoven; we have all learned about these guys in any of our years of schooling. Once you know who these people are and what they are known for, everything else in the art category makes sense. There may be some geography category questions in the art category due to how closely related they are.

Know your pop culture? How about your celebrities and hot movies throughout the history of Hollywood? If you read the news or watch TV, chances are you will know most of these trivia questions. You may be stuck on some older movies if you are not into classic-flicks but then again that is what the Trivia Crack Cheat guide is for.

Paid attention in school? If not, you are still probably going to get most of these questions right. Using elimination and knowledge of geography will help greatly. Most of these questions are based off of commonly known trivia.

This category is perhaps my worst category. The one I fear most of all. When the spinner lands directly on the sports category, I start metaphorically sweating. However, once I discovered this Trivia Crack cheat, I felt like I was blessed by the right hand of God. Now the sports section of the game is easy-peasy. Who did LeBron James play for in X year? I had no idea until I discovered the cheat.