Increase your winnings by 25%+ in a day!

How do I become much better at Trivia Crack? This is most likely the top question in our heads. Over the past weeks, people have been downloading Trivia Crack and you have probably been wondering how you can impress all your friends (and the ladies) with your trivia skills. I've used this one strange trick to increase my correct answers by over 25%+. That is massive considering that allows me to come out on top of my local leader boards weekly, helping me gain a bonus.

You may notice that questions in the game will repeat multiple times. This is because there just simply are not that many highly rated questions. The games questioning algorithm is set up so the top rated questions and the ones that the developers made will always show most of the time. So right out the gate, any questions that are fundamentally difficult to answer will simply not exist.

Now you could always sit down at a computer and search on Google. I admit that I have done this several times and I am just a bit shameful for it. The trick that I will be teaching you is to use your bonuses and coins better.

Many people don’t use coins at all, thinking that they will be able to purchase some type of ‘end game’ Trivia Crack question skipper or some shenanigans. This just isn’t true. You gain coins when you level up, and you gain them for a reason.

It is perfectly okay to spend your time thinking about a question, don’t just automatically click because it seems right. If it is a question about authors, think about books… you might just be able to somehow remember something from many years ago. However, if you cannot do this and you are running out of time, do not use the extra time coin purchase. That is just useless, what makes you think that you will remember it in 20 more seconds? I love suggesting to people to use the bomb, because mathematically, that is the best route to go. The bomb eliminates 2 of the 4 questions, leaving you with one right and one wrong. That just increased your chances of guessing it correctly by 25%.

Now you may resume your process of best answer elimination. Some prefer to eliminate the obviously wrong ones first and that is perfectly okay.

In the end, your gut feeling will always win you the games. Do not get cocky and don’t worry about asking people around you for the answer, unless it is the person that you are challenging… they might just give you the wrong one.